Get the Insurance Coverage Your Business Needs

The right insurance coverage can protect your business from financial hardship. biBERK offers a wide range of policies backed by the financial strength of the Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Group.

Why biBERK for Small Business Insurance?

We’re the experts when it comes to insurance for small businesses.

happy business owner

Save time.

Get a quote entirely online or speak with one of our insurance experts right away for help getting a quote, buying a policy, or answering any questions you may have.

man and woman smiling at a table with a laptop

Save money.

We insure your small business directly, without a middleman or insurance broker, so we pass that savings on to you—up to 20% less than policies with other insurance companies.

Portrait of Warren Buffet


We're part of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Group with millions of satisfied customers, more than 75 years of insurance experience, and $52.2 billion in paid claims in 2023.

Get a Quote Today

Trust biBERK to provide the right insurance for your small business.